Many of you have asked us how we have packed for the long trip. Joining us around the world are a lot of suitcases, backpacks and bags containing everything we need in order to be away from home for a whole year. Here they are:
De svarte romslige trillekoffertene inneholder våre klær og sko.
Eilin, Nikolai og Helmine bruker den ene og Kjell-Erik den andre.
These two suitcases contain our clothes and shoes.
One for Eilin, Nikolai and Helmine, and one for Kjell-Erik.
To romslige ryggsekker - Two spacious backpacks
To vogner til bruk i byer - Two strollers for city use
Nikolai og Helmine sine kabinkofferter med leker
Nikolai and Helmine's carry-ons with toys
Bag med bilseter og sekk med permer og bøker
Bag containing car seats and backpack containing books and documents
Eilins veske, kameraveske og reisedokumenter og pass
Eilin's hand bag, camera bag and travel documents
Vi reiser verden rundt med 13 kolli som inneholder rundt 130 kilo bagasje.
All together our 13 bags contain around 130 kg of luggage around the world.
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