After 8 wonderful weeks, we continue our journey to Texas today. For 9 days we will spend some quality time with friends from when Eilin and her family lived in Houston. We look forward to visiting Texas!
Helmine, Eilin and Nikolai at breakfast in Naples Saturday morning. Texas, here we come! Are you ready?! |
Veldig arti å følge dokker:) Kjempefine innlegg dokker har...Mulig dokker e klar over det, men her kan man bestille bøker av bloggen sin:
SvarSlettHa det fint i Texas, fine familien:)
Mette D.
Tusen takk for hyggelig hilsen, Mette! Vi var ikke klar over det, så dette var et verdifullt tips. Klem fra Galveston, TX
SvarSlettHappy Birthday to all. Hope you have a nice time. We still follow you on your trip.
SvarSlettGrtz. Martien and Hanneke from Holland